Assist with distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Eucharistic celebrations and at communion services. Ministers may also bring the Eucharist to the sick, elderly, and shut-ins at home, in convalescent homes or the hospital. Training is available.
Music fosters a sense of spirituality and unity at liturgical celebrations. Cantors lead the assembly during the liturgies with the accompaniment of skilled musicians. Consider lending your voice or instrumental skills.
Prepares the worship space before the liturgies. Duties include: putting out the gifts (bread and wine), preparing the microphone for the priests and lector, laying out the proper vestments and books, etc.
Preparar las cosas necesarias antes de las liturgias, como poner las ofrendas (pan y vino), preparar el micrófono para los sacerdotes y el lector, colocar las vestimentas y libros apropiados, etc.
Greet parishioners and guests as they enter the church. Assist in seating, solicit volunteers to bring the gifts to the altar and take up the collection, sometimes help the sacristan to tidy up the church after the liturgy is completed.
Our Mission is to enhance and maintain our Church’s interior liturgical space, respecting the sanctity of this sacred place and the Celebrations of our Masses and sacraments. Individuals and teams work together to plan, prepare, organize and care for various items, such as linens, banners and decorations, as well as placing flowers, plants and other seasonal décor in the Church and on the main altar and side altars. Assistance is needed throughout the year as the liturgical calendar changes from Advent to Christmas to Ordinary Time, Lent, and Easter. Preparing for the major Holy Days, such as Easter and Christmas, require many volunteers and a little more time.
Contact Carlos in the parish office (831) 424-1959